Made or Just Happened by James Brush

Made or Just Happened

They say Voyager crossed the heliopause
last summer with thirty thousand years to go
to clear the sun’s gravity. Our plutonium
spark, a flicker of human warmth returning
to the stars like that first purple martin
returning again in the spring to the place
where he was hatched or the salmon
swimming up blue streams. We are called
home to where our atoms first began,
the water, the sky, the stars. The silent iron
in our blood aches for the supernovae
and so lying on our backs beneath
the wind-swaying oak trees, we hold
hands and watch the stars, imagining that
long journey whose end we’ll never know.

by James Brush

literary journal: Gnarled Oak
twitter: @jdbrush
books: Birds Nobody Loves, A Place Without a Postcard

Editor’s note: This poem marries the starry expanse to a simple human touch with nary a hiccup. Lovely imagery.


One response to “Made or Just Happened by James Brush”

  1. […] I’m proud to have had a poem featured at Autumn Sky Poetry Daily: “Made of Just Happened.” Do check it out if you haven’t […]

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