A Few Tweets from Pablo Neruda by Jennifer Poteet

A Few Tweets from Pablo Neruda

Every part of my body
loves you #Ilovemycountry
In spring, I drank your cherry blossoms.

Summer sky drowned in bombs.
Near the dark rocks and toppling waves,
our house splintered like un bote.

Chile was overthrown. Blood in the streets.
La Isla Negra— a cracked bell.

Dressed as admirals,
you and I will ebb out to sea

Harbored, hidden
in a Valparaíso basement, I write
now, always, in a #greenfontofhope.

Follow me.

by Jennifer Poteet


Editor’s note: In our digital age, social media has created a new language filled with odd restrictions, but the essence remains the same: to connect with others. In this poem, the tragedy and irony of the format is also its strength: short length, hashtags, and an exhortation to read embedded in brilliant imagery. What would Neruda have thought?


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